Dur à queer depuis 30 ans


Marking the annals

It’s time to celebrate! RÉZO has acted as a hub for men who have sex with men (MSM) for 30 years. To mark its 30th anniversary, the organization wanted to remind its community of its important mission, which affects everyone who recognizes themselves in the GBTQ+ acronym.

Our challenge: to demonstrate in an inclusive manner the relevance of RÉZO after 30 years of loyal service.

“It was crucial for us to mark RÉZO’s 30th anniversary with the invaluable contributions of our GBTQ communities and allies. We love how Club Sexu has allowed our communities to express themselves with lots of freedom and creativity.”

Alexandre Dumont Blais

General Manager


Celebrating difference

Starting from the fact that heterosexual men are traditionally represented using codes of virility while queer men are often depicted as people of pink, glitter, and emotions, we wondered how we could deconstruct this binary.

The answer was in plain view: by thumbing our noses at the prevailing heteronormativity and, more specifically, by mixing the many symbols often associated with virility, such as leather jackets, jeans, and tattoos, with those commonly associated with the queer community, such as sequins, explosions of colour, and high heels. Just because we could.



Thus was born “un RÉZO dur à queer depuis 30 ans,” a campaign with aesthetics inspired by both biker clubs and leather bars. The centerpiece is a manifesto video that reveals a community of tough queer folks whose impressive diversity also makes them unique.

« J’aime vivre
Tête haute, talons hauts
We are family
Une famille forte, fière, fierce
Choisie »

[“I love to live
Head high, high heels
We are family
A chosen Strong, proud, fierce family”]

In the video, several community members of various ages, cultures, sexual orientations, and gender identities come together to convey this unifying message. Using their bodies, these people freely express their pride, each in their own way, in belonging to this network.

« Unis de la tête aux toenails
Nos rêves sont gorgés de cuirette
Nos poings de
sweet dreams sont
Faits d’une soif de liberté »

[“United from head to toenail
Our dreams are full of leatherette
Our fists of glitter
Our sweet dreams are
Made of a thirst for freedom”]

The campaign took several forms: video portraits of confident queer people, posters of all kinds, merch, and even postcards.

“One of this project’s successes was the combination of celebration, awareness, art, and consent in a coherent experience! During filming, a kind and welcoming atmosphere made us feel comfortable and included. We really enjoyed our experience with Club Sexu’s team!”

Valentin Pham




Founded in 1991, RÉZO is a non-profit community organization that promotes mental, physical, and social health among gay, bisexual, cis and trans men, and other MSM by offering them multiple resources and support.

Project management and casting
Photography direction
Photography assistance
Set design
Hair and makeup
Coordination and interviews
Sound recording
Editing and sound mixing
Danny Godbout
Rodrigo Llhamas
Valentin Pham
Henri-June Pilote
Lou Synthi
Gérald Julien

Any excuse to collaborate is a good one.

Sometimes, having our eyes glued to a project prevents us from seeing clearly. What if we offered you the step back and the boost you need?