Approaching Intimate Partner Violence Differently


Equipping the friends and family of victims of intimate partner violence

In 2021, while Quebec public health measures were more restrictive than ever, cases of intimate partner violence soared.

While everyone agrees that we must act collectively to curb this historic increase, many people don’t exactly know how to go about it. It is in this context that the Table de concertation en violence conjugale et agression à caractère sexuel de Laval (TCVCACSL) wished to launch a campaign about helpful behaviours and attitudes while promoting resources that victims’ friends and family can consult.

“The Your presence makes a difference campaign is meant to be compassionate and constructive. Together with our partners and Club Sexu, we have been able to provide tools that embrace these values and that promote awareness.”

justine gendron

Coordinator, TCVCASL


A positive, action-oriented campaign

Awareness campaigns featuring shocking images of victims covered in noticeable signs of physical abuse insinuate that all intimate partner violence results in visually perceptible injuries that are easy to spot. However, this is often not the case, such as in cases of psychological or economic violence, to name a few.

In collaboration with the TCVCASL, we have developed a positive campaign that focuses on the attitudes that victims’ friends and family should adopt, even in cases where there are no visible injuries.

Our challenge: finding a catchy and unifying message that would foster these attitudes as well as begin a dialogue about the role that friends and family play in aiding victims.


A campaign that does good

It’s official: in November 2021, the campaign was officially launched. For the occasion, our team developed a unifying visual identity and slogan. The campaign, articulated around the main tagline “Your presence makes a difference,” reached the friends and family of victims of intimate partner violence through a range of different media, from printed posters to web banners and social media.

Moreover, because the campaign was launched less than a month before the holiday season, our team ensured that it made its way into stores by forming partnerships with different companies so that, in each order, they included an information leaflet created as part of the campaign.



Since 1985, the Table de concertation en violence conjugale et agressions à caractère sexuel de Laval (TCVCASL) has brought together several Laval institutions and organizations that fight against violence. Its mission is to make the general population aware of issues that relate to sexual assault and intimate partner violence, and to disseminate quality information on these topics.

Project management
Artistic direction
Main illustration
Secondary illustrations
Web development

Any excuse to collaborate is a good one.

Sometimes, having our eyes glued to a project prevents us from seeing clearly. What if we offered you the step back and the boost you need?