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A self-proclaimed “sexology high priestess” (she’s the one who reviews and approves the confessions submitted on the Confessional), Morag also participates in the writing, annotation, and revision of the sexological content produced by the Club. A soon-to-be doctor of sexology, she is highly interested in the lived experiences of families in which parents practice consensual non-monogamy, the sexual experiences of racialized sexually- and gender-diverse migrants, and the Club’s different projects—to our absolute delight. Can we get an AMEN?
In the last decade, sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) have been on the rise among people aged 50 and over. According to the Institut…
In the last few years, the abortion situation of our neighbours to the south has reignited the debate over abortion rights in Canada. Every year,…
Many bisexual people, men in particular, still need to prove they exist. “I think I’ve had a hard time coming to terms with [my bisexuality]…
This article is presented in collaboration with the Pouvoir Choisir project, a participatory action-research project conducted by Les 3 sex* and Oxfam-Québec on young people’s…
Gender affirmation: What is it, who does it concern, and how can healthcare and other services be trans-affirmative?
Pegging is a sexual practice that has been attracting more and more attention in recent years. But what is it, exactly? Why should (or shouldn’t) we give it a try? Above all, how is it done?
Avec 40 000 nouveaux cas d’ITSS déclarés chaque année dans notre belle province, il y a pas mal de chances que tu croises au moins un·e partenaire qui va t’annoncer un résultat positif. Alors, comment vas-tu réagir lorsqu’il ou elle va te l’annoncer?
Tu viens de recevoir un résultat positif pour une ITSS. Ouf! Ça ne faisait probablement pas partie de ta to do list du moment – et devoir en parler à ton, ta ou tes partenaire·s, encore moins.
Our team took the time to reflect on this interesting confession and offer some food for thought. What defines “having sex”? Sex is generally defined…
Background Reflecting on performance pressure Valentine’s Day can bring its share of disappointment and frustration for #PowerCouples and hardened singles alike who have others’ romantic…