Guide | Apprendre à nous écrire


This guide, available in French only, promotes the demasculinization of language and the non-essentialization of gender, which implies an ever-evolving reflection on the use of language as a vehicle for gender identity, and a feminist and intersectional awareness of the gender inequalities reflected in the expression of language.

It is the fruit of the joint work of two feminist organizations involved in the fight for sexual rights.

It presents the three different types of inclusive writing practice in French, recommendations and practices to be favored, examples and resources for each of the three types, warnings about their specific difficulties, grammar rules for forming the feminine specific to the feminization of titles and functions, epicene vocabulary banks, and other relevant references to equip oneself for inclusive writing, whatever the type or types of inclusive writing used (epicene, feminization or non-binary).

Its conception is mainly the work of Magali Guilbault Fitzbay, linguistic consultant and vice-president of Les 3 sex*.

  1. 96 pages
  2. Digital printing
  3. Hardcover

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