
Collecting testimonials for a more accessible education


The fear of judgment

At the heart of Club Sexu’s mission and vision is the conviction that human sexuality is made up of an infinite range of valid shades and experiences.

But let’s not pretend that sexuality isn’t still taboo or that talking about it openly is something that’s accessible to everyone. Its intimate aspect hinders many people from sharing their experiences for fear of judgment or even violence.


le témoignage pour bRISer les normes et libérer les solitudes

Anonymous testimonials can be powerful when dealing with sensitive subjects. They not only help protect confiding individuals from others’ judgements but also allow those who read them to access experiences that reflect their own, thereby normalizing them and breaking isolation, or to discover different points of view.

Also, making testimonials accessible creates a chain reaction because people are more inclined to share their experiences when they see others doing it. This was our ambition when we created the Confessional.


A safe and intimate virtual space

Le Confessionnal, dont le nom fait directement référence à l’isoloir destiné aux confessions dans une église (on a osé!), est un espace web anonyme où les internautes peuvent déposer des témoignages intimes, tantôt enjoués et excités, tantôt émotifs et doux-amers, mais toujours généreux. Un immense espace virtuel présentant une sexualité multiple et vivante. Un coeur battant. Pa-poum. Pa-poum.

À l’inverse de publications sur les réseaux sociaux, ces confessions flottent à l’abri du temps et des réactions. Pas de bouton «j’aime» ou de commentaires : on touche avec les yeux (et le coeur, peut-être).

Les personnes qui le souhaitent peuvent dévoiler leur âge, leur orientation sexuelle ou leur identité de genre.

NB. – Le Club Sexu a développé une nétiquette qui s’applique au Confessionnal et qui vise à prévenir toute forme de propos violent, haineux ou diffamatoire.


Infinite shades of sexuality

We have seen those who have confessed share their sexual regrets, discoveries, and experiences, both good and bad. Several people have also said that what they have shared on the Confessional has never been told to another living soul.

The most commonly addressed topics include sexual satisfaction or dissatisfaction, sexual desire discrepancies, masturbation, sexual norms, fantasies, lockdown confessions, and 2SLGBTQIA+-related questions and experiences.


confessions submitted on the Club’s website


of confessions are made by women


of confessions are made by heterosexual people


of confessions are made by people between the ages of 18–25